About Rowena Bahl

Rowena is a South Asian Kiwi Creative Director, Artist, Poet, Writer and Editor passionate about social justice and solution-based storytelling.

Rowena’s creative journey began with formal training as a Graphic Designer, where she cultivated her skills in visual communication. It was during this formative phase that Rowena laid the groundwork for her future creative work, holding various roles in design and magazine marketing.

Her career trajectory took an exciting turn when she joined Destinations magazine as an Art Director. Her ability to onboard talented new writers and photographers played a pivotal role in reshaping the publication. The opportunity to step into the role of Editor was extended in short order, marking a significant milestone in her career.

After a five-year tenure with Destinations, Rowena decided to embark on new ventures aligned with her personal passions.

In 2018 she launched The Lovepost, a platform with a singular purpose—to offer constructive solutions to global challenges. Rowena currently serves as the Chief Editor of The Lovepost, providing guidance and leadership to the platform.

Rowena's present endeavours as a Creative Director, Writer and Artist are firmly rooted in her commitment to amplifying the voices of marginalised communities. Notably, her most recent creative project stands as a testament to this commitment, bringing to the forefront the inspiring stories of Sikh women from history and shedding light on their often-overlooked contributions. This thought-provoking work was a part of the NFT Aotearoa exhibition at the Eyes On Fire gallery in Auckland. An extended collection was completed in April 2024 and showcased at the NFT Aotearoa exhibition held at Jutta Gallery in New York City.

Looking ahead, Rowena envisions a future where her creative initiatives continue to serve as a platform for the underrepresented.